Revelations 2:1-4 - "Unto the angel of the church of Ephesus write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks; 2 I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: 3 And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted. 4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love."
I. A Love for the world -
II Timothy 4:10
II. Severe persecutions and testing
Matthew 24:9-10, 5:10-12,I Peter 4: 12-19, Luke 8:13
III. False teachers -
Matthew 24:11, II Timothy 4:3-4
IV. Forsaking the house of God -
Hebrews 10: 24,25
V. Indulging in some sin -
II Timothy 1: 19,20, Psalm 66:18
VI. Failure to receive the Word of God -
John 6:66, - Many turned back - when word given
VII. Defective Knowledge of Christ
I John 2:19 —Some never been born again
-Bro. Mike Goodson