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Dec. 20 Devotion: Know It Alls

Josh Richardson

Know It Alls

2 Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

I really wanted to do some wonderful and uplifting Christmas devotion today since it’s getting close but this is the direction God led me to today. This past week was the last class of the year for our Bible institute. Bro. Moore did a fantastic job as we made our way through Genesis and John. We had weeks that there were things I learned, weeks that we looked at things I hadn’t ever thought about, and weeks that most of what we covered I was aware of and had a pretty good grasp on. Overall, it’s been a tremendous blessing to be a part of it. Unfortunately though I’m afraid some chose not to take part just because they don’t see the need. Maybe you feel as if you know what you need to know. I fail to see that here in our text verse today. It just tells us to study to show ourselves approved unto God. I don’t see anything about study what you feel is important. Nor do I see where it says to study until you feel like you know enough. We are going to give an account of EVERYTHING written in the Bible. To be anywhere close to being considered “approved unto God” we are going to have to know all we can. I fully understand some have to work and some truly are busy and can’t make it Tuesday nights. The classes are recorded and you can watch anytime. We have so many avenues and resources in front of us nowadays to be able to study and learn more about the Word of God at our convenience how well do you think “busy” is going to hold up as a excuse when you stand before Him?

God bless

Bro. Josh Richardson


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