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Jan. 29 Devotion: The Power of the Resurrection

Ron Little

The Power of the Resurrection

Philippians 3:10

That I may know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death;

It's a personal choice to know Jesus

It’s a powerful choice to know Jesus

Knowing Jesus will change every area of your life

It’s a possibility that you can know Jesus. This verse says that I may know Jesus. In the modern religious days in which we live people are promoting the church. Going to church can be a good thing, but going to church in itself will not fill the emptiness in your heart. Today when people say they know Jesus what they mean is they know some thing's about Jesus. In this verse it's more than a get out of hell pass. You actually change the way you think. Knowing Jesus is a personal relationship. In today's Christian world we don't want nothing to do with the suffering of his resurrection. I'm glad that the God i serve is alive.

Bro. Ron little


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