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Mike Goodson

Jul 27 Devotion: The Blood of Christ

Hebrews 9:22 - "And almost all things are by the law purged with blood; and without shedding of blood is no remission."

      Notice Three Truths about the Blood-

 I. The Pictures of the Blood-

  A. Pictured in Abel’s lamb - The Acceptance of the Blood

  •  Genesis 4

  B. Pictured in Israel’s Passover - The Application of the Blood

  •  Exodus 12 

  C. Pictured in the Tabernacle - The Atonement of the Blood

  •  Leviticus 17:11

II. The Purity of the Blood -

     Hebrews 9:12, I Peter 1:19, Acts 20:28

  • Not the Blood of Mammals

  • Not the Blood of Men

  • Not the Blood of the Master

  • It was the Blood of the Spotless Lamb.

III. The Power of the Blood

      Revelations 12:11

  • Power to Destroy Satan

  • Power to Defeat Sin

  • Power to Deliver the Sinner

Conclusion - Jesus’ Blood is - 

  • Forgiving Blood - Fellowshipping Blood- Forever Blood

  • Freeing Blood - Flowing Blood

  • Fresh Blood - Fore-Ordained Blood 

-Bro. Mike Goodson


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