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July 5 Devotion: Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

1 Samuel 16:7

But the LORD said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his stature; because I have refused him: for the Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.

One of the more interesting things we got to do on a vacation was to tour the chocolate factory in Hershey, PA a few years ago. While it was no longer completely running it was interesting to see how everything was done. We always seem to like to get those behind the scenes looks. Might be wanting to see how something is made, or maybe how a job gets done. If you attend our church you’ve heard it said that the best part of Glendale, Dougie, (and Thaddeus) is behind the curtain and seeing all of them trying to keep it together. The intrigue of all of that is the fact of the unknow. We want to see or learn something that we didn’t know before. May I remind you that there are no behind the scenes with God! Talking about that person when no one else is around, God still knows. Whispering under your breath about something and complaining, God still knows. Coming to the house of God out of habit and not to worship, God still knows. While we know that He is everywhere all the time we seem to forget that He knows our heart. We can put on a good front all we want, but God still knows the intent of our heart.

If God was to share with the world a behind the scenes look at your heart would you be more pleased with where your at? Disappointed in how you’ve fallen short? Or embarrassed at how far from God your heart truly is?

God bless you today!

Bro. Josh Richardson


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