Proverbs 12:8
A man shall be commended according to his wisdom: but he that is of a perverse heart shall be despised.
How often do you read reviews before buying something or going somewhere? I will especially do it while on vacation. Especially if we are thinking about eating at a new restaurant. I will look at the most recent reviews to help make a decision if we are going to go or not. While reviews are great and a wonderful convenience it wasn’t too long ago that you didn’t have this option. All you had to go on was word of mouth and someone or somethings reputation.
When it comes to an individual’s reputation it is the same as anything else. It is built over time. Like our pastor mentioned Wednesday evening: wisdom is gained over time. That wisdom is gained through experience. We know the people that we hold in high regard. Those that we look to for advice, those that we look to to possibly follow in their footsteps so to speak. Those that we would look at and say they conduct their life the best they can in God’s plan for their life. These are ones that we would commend or speak highly of.
However, there is the opposite side of this also. That word perverse means to turn aside or be distorted from right. Also means to be contrary or stubborn. These are the ones that the Bible says are despised. These are the types of people that we don’t seek out for advice and don’t find trustworthy.
Here’s the thing about reputation. It can take years to build a good one, it only takes a fleeting moment to destroy one. I can think of places that I have gone to eat and never had an issue, but talk to someone elsewho went there one time and the food was bad and they are never going back. I can think of golf courses I have played that have been in great condition. Then I show up to play again and it’s in bad shape and I never end up going back to give it another shot.
So I will ask you today: Where is your heart? You might not be in that spot of a complete perverse heart, but is it still where it needs to be? While it can take a single instant to ruin a reputation you still get there over time. I’ve heard our pastor say about when someone leaves the church. Their heart was gone before they physically left. Are you where you need to be in your relationship with Christ and doing what you can so that you aren’t looked at as one despised because of a perverse heart?
God bless you today!
Bro. Josh Richardson