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June 6 Devotion: Minding Your Own Business

Adrian Moore

John 21:22 Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me.

The context of this verse is Jesus had just fed the disciples with fish and bread and explained to Peter that if he loved the Lord like he should, he would feed the sheep (the followers of Christ) and that the day will come when he would die a martyr’s death. After this, Peter asked the question, “Lord…what shall this man do?” (John 21:21) He was speaking of John, the beloved disciple. It is at this point that Jesus gives Peter a great principle to live by. What the Lord will do he will do, and he has a plan for John. It was not important that Peter be told what John’s mission would be. It is important that Peter does what Peter is supposed to do. In other words, mind your own business.

God has a plan for all his children and every child’s plan is important, but you can’t do your work while worrying about what everybody else is doing. The Lord’s plans are perfect and what he has for you is a wonderful thing. It is sad when people become so enamored with what someone else is or is not doing that, they become ineffective in the process of what they are supposed to do. “What is that to thee?” What does it matter if God calls someone to pastor a church, go to the mission field, or teach a Bible class while he calls you to work a secular job and be a faithful, tithing, helpful member of a local church. Is one more important than the other? God is no respect of person. His plans for everyone are based on his omniscience. (He knows everything and everybody.) He knows what he wants you to do and what he wants me to do. If we become jealous over what God wants someone else to do, then we are questioning the motives of God. If everyone will do what God wants them to do, then we will all fit together like cogs in a wheel, each playing their part for the good of the whole. Do what God wants you to do as faithfully as you possibly can and pray that those around you will do their God ordained part. If we all do, then God’s work will get done and he will get the glory. So, mind your own business. It is a wonderful business serving the Lord.

In Christ's Service,

Bro. Adrian Moore

2 Cor. 4:5



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